Although our winter this year was very mild the daylight hours were still very short. Global warming and El Niño don’t change the tilt of the earth, after all. As a result I found it hard to get outside and shoot many photos. I did find myself taking a lot of photos inside, though. Mostly…
A slightly shorter post this week as I recover from being sick. Going the opposite way from my experiments in pushing hp5, I pulled this roll by metering and developing it at 200. The HP5 article I mentioned earlier didn’t talk much about pulling so I didn’t really know what to expect. But, as the…
Over the winter I’ve been taking a lot of photos of an orchid plant in my back room. Whenever the winter light emerges from our frequently-grey skies I’ll try to take a shot or two. One afternoon in mid-December a thin beam of light snuck through a mostly-closed curtain and hit the orchid just so…
I shot a lot of Ilford HP5 in 2023. About a dozen rolls of it. And I still have a lot of it in my fridge. My goal in using a stock so frequently is to become familiar with it, and to find a way of shooting and developing it that works for me. Helping…
Over on Mastadon people are using the #ArtAdventCalendar hashtag to share their art, one piece a day, between December 1 and 24. I decided to treat mine as a year in review and share photos taken this year in chronological order.
After learning that my partner and I were heading to Sparta, Wisconsin, a friend of mine suggested we visit the FAST Fiberglass Mold Graveyard just outside of town. It looked like a great place to take photos so I brought the Spotmatic and the Moskva V. It was very cloudy and a little rainy during…
Recently I purchased a SMC Takumar 105/2.8 lens with the hope of using it in portrait photos. And it works great for that, I’m happy to report. But it also left me wondering how my other lenses and cameras work in portraiture. So I pulled together some good representative examples.
After messing up the previous test roll of HP5 I loaded up the second roll and tried it again. No light leaks during development this time. And no other mistakes either, thankfully.
After getting back in to film photography I’ve shot a wide variety of film stocks. I decided to spend some time with just a single stock/developer combo with the goal of learning how it use it well. Because it’s inexpensive and readily available I picked Ilford HP5 as my stock. And because I like how…
After watching some Pictoral Planet videos I wanted to try developing film with Rodinal. Ilford HP5 seemed like a great stock to use for this.