• Part 1, days 1 to 8
  • Part 2, days 9 to 16 — you’re looking at it!
  • Part 3, days 17 to 24 — will publish on December 25


A black and white photo of a tree trunk growing out of very rocky ground.
Exposure unknown, 50mm/1.4, Ilford HP5

From a trip to the North Shore in June. I took a lot of photos of trees and rocks, and tried to really focus on visualizing images using the zone system. Though I didn’t keep great notes, as evidenced by me not knowing the exposure settings. Whatever the f-stop was here it was too wide. I’ve lost focus on the front and back of the image. But I think the rest of it is pretty good.

I discussed this image and the next one in this post.


A black and white photo of the waters of Lake Suprior lapping the grey granite shore. Where the water has recently touched the rocks the rocks are black.
Exposure unknown, 50mm/1.4, Ilford HP5

One of my highlights from the year where I got a picture close to what I visualized. It does require some cropping to look like the example above, but I’m not against cropping.


A black and white photo of a flower, taken from above
1/60, f4, 50mm/1.4, FPP Fine Grained 6

I talked about this back in a blog post about the roll. I did not intend to shoot this ISO 6 film handheld, but I forgot to bring the tool I needed to attach my camera to the tripod. So here you get a kinda blurry but still attractive flower. I have a new roll of this film in my fridge, waiting for me to get out there with my tripod.


A large tree leans out over a river. Thick exposed roots attach the tree to shore.
Exposure unknown, FPP XX 200

More from this roll in this blog post. I love the roots here but wonder if I should have composed it differently to make them more central. I think the trunk ends up being the focus more than I’d like.


A black and white photo of a stack of aluminum canoes.
Exposure Unknown, Washi S 50

One of two very different shots from this roll of Washi S. As I mentioned in an earlier blog post this is the one shot on the roll that I was able to meter normally. And I love the result. Composition may be a little bit off, but the tones on the canoes are hard to beat in my opinion. Right after this I dropped my phone in a lake and had to meter the rest of the roll by eye.


A black and white photo of an old American car parked in front of some tall trees.
Exposure Unknown, Washi S 50

And metering Washi S by eye leads to a very contrasty photo, which I guess is how Washi S responds to over exposure. Washi’s data sheet does mention that the contrast is “very strong” and this photo is proof of that. I’d like to shoot more of this. It’s a fun one.


A black and white photo of a large drooping sunflower head.
Unknown exposure, Ilford HP5 400

In the late summer and early fall I spent a lot of time wandering around and taking photos in a nearby community garden taking photos. I really like the crispness and varied tones in this picture. I worked for a bit on making a print in the darkroom but its a tricky negative. With a split filter and some burning I got pretty close to what I wanted.


A color photo of a plastic fake owl in in a community garden
1/250, f5.6, 105/2.8, Fujicolor Superia 200 (EI 160)

A rare color shot. I’m not a photographer who tries to make the hobby as inexpensive as possible, but even I blanche a bit at the cost of working with color. A roll of HP5 might cost me $7 and I can develop it myself. A roll of color could cost between $10 and $20 with a matching cost to develop & scan. So I don’t use it often. However, I like this ‘owl’ shot. I think it could also use some cropping to remove some of those extraneous leaves at the bottom.

Thanks for reading! I’ll post the 3rd and final of these next week.

  • Part 1, days 1 to 8
  • Part 2, days 9 to 16 — you’re looking at it!
  • Part 3, days 17 to 24 — will publish on December 25

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