A few different places sell Kodak’s XX film repackaged for 35mm still cameras, but this roll came from Film Photography Project.
I shot this roll on a trip to the North Shore. Mostly around Cascade River and Tettegouche, I think.

I like the central tension here. The huge tree kind of leans out over the river, and there are these thick roots holding it back and keeping it attached to shore.

I was entranced by this tree stump at the top of a cliff. No picture I took of it really worked, but I like the idea of what I was going for here. But I think this should be crisper and have a deeper depth-of-field.
These were shot using a Pentax Spotmatic ii. Pretty sure I used the 50mm/1.4 Takumar the whole time. Developed in stock D96 for 7:30. Scanned with an Epson 750. I haven’t yet tried making prints from these negatives yet.
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