A slightly shorter post this week as I recover from being sick.

Going the opposite way from my experiments in pushing hp5, I pulled this roll by metering and developing it at 200. The HP5 article I mentioned earlier didn’t talk much about pulling so I didn’t really know what to expect. But, as the article mentions:

The faster your ISO, the more contrast and grain you’ll see in your photos.

So, by pulling the ISO I should see less contrast and grain, right? Well. Kind of.

Most of the roll I shot indoors with lighting provided by large glass doors. And in these I definitely see lower contrast, more grays and finer grain.

A close up black and white photo of two orchid flowers
1/2s, 5.6, 50mm macro

The change in contrast is especially visible here, I think. Photos like this capture more detail in the orchid petals than similar photos at taken on pushed HP5.

But when I took the camera outside at a state park, I got surprisingly contrasty results. This is largely due to subject. Fresh snow. Bare trees. There aren’t a lot of midtones to even capture here.

A high-contrast black and white photo of a pine tree covered in snow.
1/60s, 9.5, 105mm
A high contrast black and white photo of a snow-covered road winding through a forest.
1/250s, 9.5, 35mm

These were shot using a Pentax Spotmatic ii. Developed in Rodianal 1+50 for 12:00 at 20C.

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