In February I took a short trip to Guadalajara, Mexico. And, naturally, I brought a camera and a bunch of film. Unlike last year’s trip to Bogotá, I brought no color film.

Guadalajara is very sunny. As a result it has a built environment that provides a lot of shade. So I have a lot of photos either with bright sun or a high contrast between shade and sun. Perfect for B&W film!

The first roll I shot was CatLabs 320. Metered at 200. Developed in Rodinal. A familiar companion for me and my camera.

Museo Panteón de Belén, just north of the city center. This is part of the rich person’s graveyard. All along the left you can see small squares, each of which is a tomb for 1-3 bodies. There are 18 squares between each arch.

When I print this on paper I’ve pushed the contrast and made the shadowed area darker. Which I like a little better than the lighter shadows of this digital version.

A black and white photo of a long outdoor walkway with an arched roof. On the left, in shadow, are lines of tombs along the wall. On the right, in light, are pillars.
1/60, f16, Takumar 35mm 3.5

It’s not a photo walk without a picture of a cool door!

A black and white photo of an old, weathered wooden door. It is half in shadow. In the center is a large metal knocker.
1/250, f11, Takumar 35mm 3.5

A massive sculpture/fountain of Quetzalcoatl along a main pedestrian area. At the top of the main spire there used to be a serpent head. I guess it fell off at some point and is now housed on a nearby plinth. I like the kids providing a sense of life and scale, but I should have moved a bit to the left so that they aren’t trapped in the corner of the frame.

A black and white photo of a large outdoor sculpture surrounded by water. Two children are playing in the water near a smaller sculpture.
1/30, f8, Takumar 35mm 3.5

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